How I Concentrate With Kids Around
My blogging buddy, Zoe from Grenada 40, suggested I put up something about how to write a post when your kids are around. Seeing as 90% of the articles I put up were written with my kids within 3 feet of me, I figured I just might know something about this subject.
Growing up, I was never one of those people who could study or concentrate with music playing in the background. Yeah, I needed total silence in order to soak up what I was learning. So, what changed?
Nothing really. You see, my writing here at Loving the Bike is just an extension of what’s on my mind and how it would come out if talking to you. I’m not trying to memorize anything or think about how I can relay what I’m trying to say. So basically, it would be like us sitting down talking (well, me talking….you listening). That, I can do with anything going on around me.
We’re a cycling lifestyle website, so let me liken this to riding a bike. Total chaos can be going on around me when I’m out there cycling on the road….and it’s during those times when I’m the most focused on what I’m doing. I have to be. You know exactly what I’m saying here, right?
So there you have it, Zoe. Use the turmoil around you as fuel for your focus. Not only when writing, but in all areas of your life.
Sometimes pictures can explain things better than words, so here’s a quick time lapse of what it actually looks like when I’m writing an article for Loving the Bike:
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No matter the circumstances….you just have to #MakeitHappen.

That was well said and enjoyed your comments, but especially got a big kick out of the video.