How to Get Back to an Active Lifestyle After Recovery
No one wants to think about a time when they wouldn’t be able to hop on their bike at a moment’s notice. Cycling may not be as intensive as some physical sports; however, going through a period of ill health can gravely affect one’s ability to get on and off the bike. If you’ve been struggling with health or lifestyle problems, and are keen to rediscover your passion for cycling, then here are a few tips to help you get back to where you want to be.
Don’t skip treatment
To get back on your bike, both physically and metaphorically, you will need to undergo some form of recovery treatment. You might be reluctant to do this, but it is completely necessary. Pushing yourself too hard when you are not fully fit or recovered will only lead to disappointment or harming yourself further. Finding rehabilitation centers, such as Forward Recovery will help you return to physical health, and help nurse your mental health to ensure you continue to improve and succeed.
Take small steps in building strength
It’s important to know that if you don’t feel up to doing cardio exercise, then you should probably take it easy. However, if you feel you are missing out on the act of exercising in general, then there are small strength-building exercises you can do at home. Doing gentle squats and push-ups are easy on your body, but allow you to build strength in the safety of your home. The most important thing to remember when you are doing this is that you should listen to your body and only do what you can manage.
Once you feel able to go outside, remember to start cycling in easy steps. Take simple routes, with a minimum amount of incline. Getting out for the fresh air and confidence-building can be just as gratifying as going on a mountain trail in peak fitness. Cycling is often classed as a light aerobic activity, and so this can be ideal for short bursts at a time to get used to being back in the saddle.
If in doubt, check
When it comes to re-joining physical activity, you may have heard the ‘below the neck’ rule. This simply means that, if you are planning on returning to physical activity anytime soon, you should consider if you are fit below the neck. For example, with a cough or runny nose, you might be okay to take up light exercise. However, if you are experiencing aches, tension, or anything physically painful, you should probably refrain from taking up too much physical activity. If you are absolutely not sure, then it is always wise to consult your doctor. Any doubt surrounding your ability to take up physical activity should be placed in the hands of your local doctor or practitioner.
It’s understandable to want to get back onto your bike after a long period of illness or recovery. However, it’s important that you take it slowly, particularly if your recovery has impacted on your physical health. By treating yourself well in the process, you help to ensure that you won’t injure yourself or put yourself back at square one.