No, this isn’t some sort of Loving the Bike infomercial telling you about how to get rich quick.
For the past couple years (and many other times over the last 10 years), my life has been more about lifestyle than making money. It wasn’t really a decision I made, but that’s just how things have worked out.
Sure, it can make things difficult and stressful….but here’s what helps me cope and make sense of it all. All this downtime from a regular 40 hour work week allows me a whole lot of freedom to spend with my Family and to ride my bike. To me, a day spent like this is worth well over $1,000,000.00.
Believe me….I have my days. But when I’m able to focus on the positive and I have my make it happen attitude in check, I am easily able to see that time like this cannot be bought. It’s incredibly valuable and gives me so much more satisfaction than any paycheck ever could.
So as I ease my way out of another one of my “retirement” phases, I’m thankful for all the Million Dollar days I’ve had.