I’m Just Living a Life
He accumulated wealth. Found accolades and honors along the way. He had stayed true to himself and yet still became an immense success. You could call it luck. Chance, maybe. But it never was like that to him.
He didn’t think of it as an achievement. It wasn’t about all of that. He was simply living a life. Just doing the things that felt good to him. Never swaying from comfort. Never following along with what the other guys were doing. Never looking at the possible end result….rather caring about how things felt Today.
People constantly told him how cool and laid back he always seemed to be. Doctors, therapists, and even his chiropractor could never find anything wrong with him. People told him how impressed they were with his accomplishments. People looked at him and found themselves wanting to be more like him. His comments were always the same…“I’m just living a life”.
As we pass through life struggling between who we are, and who we want to be…remember that each day is a chapter of our lives. Start your day on purpose. Live each day the way you wish to live your life. We are all simply living out our days. All of us here, Living a Life. #MakeitHappen

‘Start your day on purpose.’
Of course that makes perfect sense but until I had seen it in black and white did I stop to contemplate what that involves.
Hey Daniel. I’m glad this post helped make that click for you. It’s funny how that can happen sometimes, but however it happens…..it’s always a good thing to have happen. I appreciate your input as always.