There is a word in the English language so precious it can only be used in special sentences.
It can only be uttered when describing the world’s most valuable things. Most of the time, only used for a period of one’s life.
A word, where if used to depict human nature, would result in heaven on Earth. Wishing it were found more than it was lost. Wishing it was seen in more people and found less in paperback books.
Described in the dictionary as “Freedom from sin”, “Lack of knowledge of evil”, “Freedom from deceit”, “Freedom from Harmfulness”. Who or what could possibly be as pure as this? Thousands of new people being called this today.
Thousands more being deemed something else tomorrow.
Known as the word Innocence. Known to me as life’s most valuable resource. Often found in the magic of a bike ride.
Hold on to yours. Regain it if lost. Embrace it in your Children.

Makes you think, Like a good post should.