Interstate at a Glance
Riding in Malaysia is an amazing thing. If you’re a serious cyclist and can ever make it out this way, please do. The possible terrain you can ride in a single day can’t be topped, between high mountain climbs, miles of fast downhills and ocean side flats, you’ll never for want of a better route.
This year’s Interstate was my first, and according to many it was the toughest of all. There was 525km of scorching heat, pouring rain, fearsome descents and wrenching climbs. Out of the ten of us OK Go! team, two managed to complete the whole thing with the rest of us forced to climb into the van at some point.
I would like to put into words how the ride went and get you to virtually experience it, but right now, I’m exhausted. There wasn’t a moment of free time that I remember, between riding, doing support in the van, recovering from the day and getting ready to ride the next. I’m about to head out on a recovery ride soon and will use that time to piece together my story.
Till then, here is at least the data from the weekend:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3: