It’s Easy for a Cyclist to Celebrate Turning 50

In about a month, I jump into a category that I have always reserved for old people. A time of life that always seemed too far off to even acknowledge. An age that was much further along than I’ve always been.
On June 17, I turn 50.
Just in writing that short simple sentence, I felt a significant amount of emotion rising out of my body. Now, don’t get me wrong. I know that age is just a number and that moving into the 50’s bracket is totally okay. I’m excited to celebrate 50… So that emotion that just came out, is basically due to a whole bunch of mixed emotions. Positive and not so positive.
You see, it’s easy for a cyclist to celebrate turning 50. We’ve been conditioning for it on every ride, through every hill climb, and upon the completion of all the hard rides we didn’t think we could finish.
When a cyclist gets to 50, our body is ready for it. We’re strong. We’re in good health. We’re active. Our low impact sport has preserved our joints and tendons, and strengthened the muscles around them. Hours and hours of on the bike therapy and meditation. The link to our childhood and thoughts of our first few bike rides, has protected our good memories. All that time outside in nature has provided us with a prescription of healing for our minds. In a word….cycling has kept us YOUNG.
So, turning 50? For a cyclist like me….it ain’t no thing like a chicken wing. Haha, I’ve never used that old time phrase in my entire 50 years. But I felt that it was so fitting for so many reasons. I’m still pretty close to the top of my cycling game. I have energy and stamina for the long ride. I have the hunger of taking away all those KOM’s from the young punks putting them up on Strava. Plus, all the benefits that the cycling lifestyle has provided me in my day to day.
Yeah, on June 17 I turn 50…..and this young old cyclist is going to celebrate it like something he never thought he would.

Thanks for your comment. Yes, it’s just another thing that makes cycling so great. Keep on enjoying your ride.
I turned 74 this past
april. My wife of 62 and I have been ridding for 2 years now and love it…its the best relaxing sport in the planet IMHO…great for overall health, especially the blood pressure…
Happy birthday
Thanks, Henry.
Happy birthday in advance, Darryl! You share my late paternal grandmother’s birthday. 50 isn’t fatal — I had the best cycling year of my life in 2014, when I was 53. You’ll do just fine, just keep on pedaling!
Thanks buddy…..I appreciate that. I’m definitely aging, buy for the first time in my life I’m totally okay with it
If it’s any consolation, I doubt anyone guessing your age would guess 50. Cycling for the win!