Leaving Marks
Fall has arrived, and with it another year starts to wind down. Where does the time go? And what have I done this year to make a difference?
I think about this often, especially as each year ticks away.
As you get older you realize it’s not about what you have, it’s about what you’ve done. What you do every day.
Have I been kind to someone today? Made a difference in my community? In the world?
If only we could see how each small thing we did could become a mountain when piled together. How every gesture we make towards another person or animal truly matters.
I rode past this paint, splattered there in the road. It had been there a while and was dry already. The number of wheel marks in the bike lane fascinated me. I wondered if the people who had gone through while it was wet realized how they had left their mark, perhaps permanently in this bike lane on California Avenue.
And so I ask myself, what small thing can I do tomorrow? And the next day…and the next.
Because I know that’s how I will leave my mark.

Share your excitement for life and life is exciting!
Thanks Daniel
It’s amazing how you take something that might seem apparently small during one of your rides and then turn it into something hugely incredible.
My friend Rob Greenfield is putting together something that will help people realize how their small actions can amount to big things. I’ll be posting all about it once he launches it….but I’m pretty sure you’re going to love it.
Thanks for being so awesome….and for leaving your mark here at Loving the Bike each week.
I’m looking forward to that
Love the post. Really. It is something I think about all the time, something I try to live by and do not always suceed. Leave a mark, leave a positive one, leave things better than when you arrived.
Thanks Eric. I think we succeed in the trying…