Leaving on a Jet Plane
I’m…if the blog scheduling is working correctly…now in France! Land of wine, cheese, chocolate and bicycles. It figures I’m in France during the wrong month. Someday I’ll get to see le Tour in person, but it’s not to be on this trip.
One of the hardest things for me to deal with while traveling is the lack of opportunity to exercise. I find getting a workout in really helps deal with jet lag, but I’m always running around various airports, sitting on a plane or recovering from said plane trip. Yes, I do quite a bit of walking when I travel, mostly from coffee shop to coffee shop, but it’s not the same as getting my heart rate high and muscles sore.
This trip, however, I’m planning on squeezing in 15 minutes of workout time at least once a day. While that doesn’t sound like much, the workout I do is intense and full-body. Go search in your phone’s app store for seven minute workout, and download it. Then try it. You won’t be able to move the next day. If you’re using a PC, I really like this site as a timer: 7-min.com
What about the remaining 8 minutes? Well that’s for two sets of 4 minute stretches, before and after the workout. If you’re adventurous, you can do the workout in the airplane bathroom, albeit with some modifications.
How do you handle getting a workout in while traveling?
– Ashley

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Sounds like a good plan, Ashley. Enjoy your time over there….too bad you won’t be able to watch any of the Tour this time around.