Let’s Talk about Why You Ride
We want to know why you ride a bike. We’re back with another one of our “Let’s Talk” posts which is something we put up each month to generate feedback from all of you. That’s right, our readers are really the ones who create the Let’s Talk posts by providing comments, tips, and ideas to a question that’s asked in video form.
Check out the video below and then let us know Why You Ride.
Special thanks to Chris from The Journey TV for adding some graphics to this month’s Let’s Talk video.

I swapped my car for a bike a few years ago and its been totally liberating! I was worried about the time it would take, but its actually QUICKER by bike and I am much fitter than I used to be.
I ride for simple reasons. My bicycle carries me into life, not away from life. It lets me see, feel, and hear what other transport machines keep from me. It turns hills into friends and adversaries. It turns routine trips into adventures. It turns the changing seasons into my calendar, my strengthening heart into a watch. My bicycle is a machine that gives much and takes little. How can I not ride.
Love it! I ride b/c of so many reasons, but mostly because I LOVE it 🙂
Thanks for all the wonderful comments everyone….you’ve helped build one incredible post. Well Done.
The bicycle gives us something that the “car” always tried to “take away”, using bicycles and not owning car gives us enough “extra money” to actually “enjoy” a bit of “life” and not just “barely survive” and get by!! Yes, we love the feeling, the exersize, etc. but the financial freedom is the BEST reason we love to RIDE our bicycles!
I ride to improve my fitness, for the freedom of riding, enjoyment, satisfaction of achieving a distance or climb but mainly for the shear pleasure! It’s a way of life!
Riding in the morning sets you up for the rest of the day. You feel alive and awake and ready for what the day throws at you.
Getting out riding with friends and pushing each other
i ride b/c i’d rather not contribute to evils of the car & oil industries. my ecological footprint must stay small to help our future! i also bike b/c i like to travel when/where as i please, knowing that my efforts alone take me to where i’m going.
I ride because of the freedom it gives me. Makes me feel like a kid again! I like to push myself to go harder and further. Great post and idea!
I’m heading out on my bike right now and I’m doing it because it is a part of my lifestyle. It’s also a beautiful day out so that is another reason I am getting out. There’s really nothing better now is there?
To those who really know me, know that I ride for many reasons. I do refer to my riding (and a few other activities like surfing and rock climbing) as my Zen sports. I can’t ever shut my brain down for very long, and while Im out on my bike (or active in my Zen sports), I find peace. Before you start to think Im Schitzo and am quieting voices,.. well, I am in a way. See, my day to day job is one of huge mental and sometimes emotional strain. I work in Pediatric cancer research, and while being a two time Cancer survivor myself, I take my job to a very personal level. This is why I need the release of these activites. The monotony of the each pedal stroke is better than an hour on the couch talking to a shrink. Its an escape, and a think tank at the same time. It is also a key to the real world. When on the bike I feel as part of nature, part of what is important. Every ride, no matter how fast or slow, is reminding me of what is and what isnt real. Yes, as somebody who has experienced illness, it is also my cureall. It is something that I NEED to live. As dramatic as that seems, it is true in that I feel the most alive when clear thought and physical activity combine.
Yes, its great for the enviroment. Yes, it is great for health. And Yes, it is really part of who I am.
Incomplete without it.
I like the way you said that, I also feel like my cycling is zen-like to me. I’m impressed by how you spend your days and want to thank you for the work you’re doing in cancer research. It’s good to see you conquering it youself as well. Cycling is part of who I am as well. What a nice comment you wrote here today.
Thank you! It is good to see that others “get it” when it comes to cycling, or just how important it is to find some mental peace.
Subject: [lovingthebike] Re: Let’s Talk about Why You Ride
I ride a bike because it is pure and simple FUN. There are so many things and responsibilities that we have to do in our busy lives, but riding a bike is just plain fun. When I’m coasting down a hill, it makes me feel like I’m 10 years old again riding my stingray around the town.
Riding my bike encompasses a plethora of benefits and reasons for me. Transportation, exercise, connecting with the outdoor environment, getting somewhere I may not normally go, therapy, exploring, connecting with other cyclists. But mostly, I just love to be on my bike. Be it mountain, road or single speed bamboo!
I basically ride because I enjoy it and what it does for me. Like most of the people who commented here today, I have many reasons for why I ride and it is so nice to see how others feel about it. I’ll be watching for more great reasons for riding a bike.
I ride because I love to ride. But there is more to it than just that. For me it is what caused me to lose 70 lbs (still have a few more to go) and to once again be fit and once again consider myself an athlete.
I ride to feel young again, and to regain the health of my youth. When I’m on my bike, I’m that 7 year-old with her shiny new Schwinn with the NASA-blue paintjob – and I’m going 80 mph with my hair on fire!
You can’t fool me, Darryl. I know the proper Zen answer is: “I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle.” 😀
Every time I ride, it makes me feel like a teenager again and I have an adventure! Even if I’m just picking up something from the store or commuting, riding makes it a full experience. Sometimes the adventures are scary because drivers don’t respect my space, or challenging because I’m not outfitted properly or feeling well, but usually they are fun and full of experiencing the world and the interconnectedness of things. Riding fills me with energy and inspiration.
Since it is Thanksgiving this week I wanted to mention that I am also thankful for my bike in addition to enjoying my time on it. I am thankful that it provides me with the perfect method of transportation so that I can ride to work, shopping, and other places. It allows me to get around without the expense and monotany of driving a car and I like that. My bike has also been what has helped me to lose weight and get myself in better shape. For that I am truly thankful.
Hmmmmm…its been awhile since ive thought of this. I started riding cuz it was super fun and it got me in shape like nothing before, I was also really good at it right out of the gate. That was from a racing/competing standpoint. Then in college I rode for political reasons and the environment, and cuz at times it “got me the girl”(nice shaved legs back in the mid 90’s actually turned heads). Lately, I dont know why I ride. I suppose its time to find out again…which can make it that much more enjoyable!
I’ve been riding since I was 5, and I enjoy being able to get somewhere without having to start up a car and consume gas. I enjoy being able to go into work, without getting in a car, and waiting through traffic on a busy freeway. It also gives me energy to go through a normal work day. I find on some days, when I don’t ride in, I feel sluggish, and it’s because I’m not on the bike. This even includes if it’s raining, or if it’s extremely cold. And then there’s the health benefits. I know if I weren’t riding, I’d be gaining lots of weight, and just be fat.
I ride my bike for transport. I ride for my health. I ride to feel the breeze on my face. I ride with my kids. I could go on for a long time because just like you, I am loving my bike.
I ride ‘Keep the Rubber Side Down’ for the beauty it brings into all aspects of my life.
I ride for the feeling of freedom, connection back to my youth. The combination of getting out and seeing your neighborhood and other areas up close is great. All the while you’re getting a great workout and sharing time with friends. It’s an awesome way to spend your time.
I like to ride for fun and exercise, plus I get to meet a lot of really great people. The scenery when I ride is a lot of fun to check out. Like the fall leaves, birds, trees, lakes. It’s cool to see what bikes everyone rides. I like in encourage others to ride and exercise. the “GET OFF THE COUCH”!! is what I preach!
Bethel G. Strong @takeabike
I ride to enjoy every part of my day. Commuting or running errands in my car, I am in a hurry or anxious to get on to the next thing. Riding my bike to get where I am going anyway: I connect with my environment, my neighbors; I enjoy the details I notice, and the feeling of muscles well used.
I must admit, that using such a simple, elegant machine to get around (cheaply) also feeds my self-image. I love being smart, strong, and connected to my community, the way I am on my bike.
You took the words out of my mouth, Christyna. I love how you described it and now I feel like getting back outside on my bike.