Lifestyle Hacking Makes Me Happy
This post was inspired by the coolest 13-year-old I know….his name is Logan LaPlante and he’s the creator of what he calls Hackschooling.
If I was still a kid going to school, I would most definitely be asking my Parents if I could follow in Logan’s footsteps and be a Hackschooler just like him. I’m totally serious that these thoughts did just go through my head, but then it hit me. I may not be a hackschooler, but I’m someone motivated by lifestyle, and just realized that I’m a Lifestyle Hacker.
Let’s back it up just a little bit. Logan is a 13-year-old who recently gave a TED Talk called “Hackschooling Makes Me Happy”. I’m including the video right here for you to watch, it is well deserving of your time to sit down and hear what Logan has to say.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Logan is definitely a Make it Happen kind of guy and his viewpoints on life and learning is what makes me feel so instantly connected to him. I dig this kid so much that I contacted his parents and arranged for him to have a video Skype conversation with me and my kids. We had a great time with Logan and really enjoyed getting to know them. We’ll be having more conversations with them in the future, and hope to meet up with them in real life as well.
Okay, so all of this got me thinking about my life and how I should be considering myself a Lifestyle Hacker (yeah, these thoughts came to me while riding my bike).
I wanted to live in the Caribbean, but I didn’t have a job offer or suitcase of money to get me living there full-time. Pretty much all the expats that I know of who live in the islands are either extremely wealthy or have a great paying job that took them there. But I hacked the system and for the second time in my life I’m living in the Caribbean. No job offer and no money tree to shake (I’m still working at acquiring the money tree).
Between our episodes of living in the Caribbean, we lived in Austin Texas. Being a Canadian, it’s not all that easy to just pick up and go live in the USA. But I hacked into it once again and our Family was able to live there for a few years….and most of the time we were there, I didn’t really even have a US based job. A Lifestyle Hacking success story, indeed.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that me and my Family hack into the Lifestyle we dream to have quite often. Like I’ve said many times before….I may not be a Millionaire, but I’m living the Million dollar lifestyle. I’ve done it by hacking the system and finding alternative ways to achieve things.
So here’s to Hackschooling, Lifestyle Hacking, and doing what you need to do in order to Make it Happen and Create Your Own Lifestyle.

Good post, keep
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This is officially my new favorite TED talk. You are absolutely a Lifestyle Hacker. It’s amazing how much courage it takes to step outside of the box and be able to see that there is actually another way to live and that living a “rich” life has very little to do with having a fat bank account. Like Logan says, it’s a “mindset”. So many people feel like being happy is something that has to be earned or deserved versus something that is of value in and of itself. We need more people like you and Logan to tell their stories and keep reminding us of that.
He is pretty awesome, isn’t he? Glad you liked it and thanks for all your wonderful comments, Carrie. From what I know about you, you’ve got a happy mindset for sure.
I’ve been a follower of yours since you started this website. To be honest, you’ve made so many changes that I thought you were making things up. But the more I read and the pictures I saw on the website and facebook made me realize you were for real. Wow, you’ve done a lot over the past few years and it is very motivating to see you doing things so different from what I’m used to.
Keep up with providing us all with unique and motivating content here at Loving the Bike and beyond.
Wow, thanks Eric. I really appreciate all the kind words. Awesome.
He’s got an interesting perspective on things. Seems to have a good head on his shoulders.
I do my best to live the million dollar lifestyle as well.
Yeah, he’s awesome. Good job on living the million dollar lifestyle.
Darryl, you nailed it! This is exactly what the LaPlante family does with our lifestyle and our education. We create things . . . businesses, bike racks, ski logos, memories, and dreams. We discuss who we are and who we would like to be. We plant the seed for innovation. Many things don’t work out as we plan. Actually nothing works out as we plan, but we try to live the lesson of “it is the journey not the destination”. I would love to take a short break from the snow and visit the Caribbean with my family. I have wanted more warm weather vacations for a long time so I am officially planting that seed today. Thank you for this wonderful article and keep on finding your happy!
Jessica LaPlante
It’s so nice to hear from you, Jessica. Your Family sounds amazing and I sure would love the opportunity for our Family to spend some time with you guys.
I’m glad you’ve planted the seed and we’ll do the same. In the meantime, we’re definitely going to arrange for more interaction between our kids and yours.
It would make me happy to be living in the Caribbean as well. I must say that I find your lifestyle quite motivating and helps me to realize that more can be done. I didn’t have time for the video but I will add it to my watch list.
Thanks Nick….I’m glad it motivates you. Be sure to take some time to watch the video.
I just watched the video with my kids. Logan is very well spoken and the talk was interesting. Congratulations to you Darryl on going after what you want in life. Nice post.
Good to hear that you watched the video with your kids. It’s a great on.
Thanks, Brent….I appreciate your comments.