Look Who’s Loving the Bike: August
Here’s a look at who’s loving the bike for August. At the top of each month we like to feature the amazing stories and memories of people who are loving the bike. Please take a look at what these lovers have to say. Hey…..and we’d love to hear from you as well….feel free to submit your “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” story to us at any time.
Mark Langlands – New Zealand (Pro Cyclist for Pure Black Racing)
“I can’t remember my first BMX bike, but I do remember building some jumps on the driveway and throwing myself over them. Living on a farm, my Dad built us a track in one of the paddocks and we’d spend hours just riding up and down, normally coming back inside when some skin was missing or something was broken. My first road bike was an Apollo, I’d just get on and ride, go exploring and finding new roads and places.”
Alister Manderfield – United Kingdom
“Not the first memory of riding a bike, but my parents brought me an American swing bike, it was cool, you could undo a screw at the back and the back wheel use to pivot and swing all over the place.”
Mark Goonan – Brisbane, Australia
“I was about 7, and my first bike was a ‘dragster’ complete with hi-rise handlebars, smaller front wheel, sissy bar, candy apple red paintwork & a 3 speed shifter on the top tube. Of course I had to get past the training wheels stage, but after that the roads opened up! It remains in my mind the coolest bike in the world (at least in my street anyway). 40 years on and I’m still riding, only now it’s an Argon 18 Krypton, which is a tad faster…!”