Look Who’s Loving the Bike – December 2010
As you know, at the top of each month we like to feature the amazing stories and memories of people who are loving the bike. Please take a look at what our December lovers have to say. We’d love to hear from you as well….feel free to submit your “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” story to us at any time.
Duncan Sandford – Wigan, UK
“Yeah , every ride, sun, rain, muggy all great. One that stands out is a Boxing Day ride 3 years ago, all wrapped up and fresh and frosty remote West Lancs roads, dry and ice cool surfaces, watery sun in early mist and no body else about. Fill your lungs with cool air with burning thighs and cold nose – absolute MAGIC.”
“The last time I bought myself a brand new bike from a shop was way back in 1988. I was between my freshman and sophomore year of of college and I had a pretty good summer job. I had some cash burning a hole in my pocket and I had a mountain bike, but really wanted a road bike. So I ended up buying a brand new Trek 1200 in denim blue with yellow accents. It came with a full Shimano 105 group. I was pumped. I put so many miles on that bike over the next few years. Raced it in a few road races and my first few century rides. I sold that bike a few years later because I spent a few summers focused on rock climbing instead of riding, so away it went. Since then I have acquired a number of bikes, all pre-owned. My favorite part by far, which doesn’t usually happen with new bikes, is tearing them down to the bare frame. Seeing how well (or poorly) a bike has been assembled and maintained is a real pleasure. Then the cleaning and selection of what parts I am going to re-use or replace with new is such fun! Then when the bike is clean and all back together and adjusted, then that first long ride brings me back to that Trek 1200. Except that there is such a great feeling of accomplishment when you were the one to do the work!”
Darrell Robertson
“I love the bike because it is a reflection of me and what I can do, where I can go and what I can endure. I provide the balance, the propulsion, the speed. Where I go on the bike is a reflection of me and what my eyes desire to see. The has no limitations. The limitations are all mine as well as the liberty that I use the bike to experience. The bike makes me more approachable and less threatening both to myself and to others. I love the bike because it removes the tethers of modern technology that dictates, ‘go there, go fast, hurry, park here or pay to park there.’ The bike is like a banner. The bike is not what provides me liberty but it says to all that I have been liberated.”
Taiwoon – Singapore
“I am from singapore and I ride because I like to. I like the freedom and that I can see many things in familar places. In the name of progress, Singapore is also tearing down many buildings and places. Places that meant alot to me. My blog aims to capture the memories and the simple pleasure of just riding. I don’t care if it is a cheap bike, super expensive bike..just ride, because u want to.
Read more about Taiwoon’s love for the bike at http://smallwheelsbigsmile.blogspot.com.
Tom Winfield – Omaha, NE
“Riding a bicycle was a requirement. I grew up on a farm. My sister and I rode our bicycles the 2+ miles ever day to the 1 room school we attended. That went to the wayside when I got my driver’s license.
Fast forward some 440 years – Now bikes have gears and brake levers, I love the bike now, because I get our in the fresh air, see the sights, breath the air.”
Follow more of Tom’s cycling adventures over at http://naugabike.blogspot.com.

Hey I made the “Look Who’s Loving the Bike – December 2010” list! A short addendum, I completed my first Century Ride in more than 20 years this fall, had a great ride around Cayuga Lake in central NY!
Thanks again for supplying us with your Look Who’s Loving the Bike story. Good job on the Century ride.