Look Who’s Loving the Bike: December 2011
At the top of each month we like to feature the amazing stories and memories of people who are loving the bike. Please take a look at what our December 2011 lovers have to say. Hey…..and we’d love to hear from you as well. Feel free to submit your “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” story to us at any time.
Chantall Redd – Dallas, Texas
“I feel free when riding my bike, I come ALIVE when I ride my bike, I feel accomplished and get healthier, my children get a good example of how to stay fit, enjoy life and have a passion. My favorite part is the rush I get every time I master something new or push my limits just a little bit further!!!”
Stephen Gilbert – Charlotte, NC
“I ride today for the same reason I rode as a kid. It’s fun. It’s great that by riding to work every day I’ve extended the life of my car, reduced the amount I spend on gas, lost 50lbs, etc. But, seriously, if it wasn’t fun, I wouldn’t be doing it.”
Malachi Doane
“I was brought up with the bicycle. Both my parents had Ross Eurotour/Eurosport bikes. There are photos of me riding on the cross bar of my fathers bike on a weight lifting pad side saddle. So every time I’m on mine there is still that feeling of excitement I had as at 5-6 years old. These day’s I’ve landed in a security position that demands I work 12 hour days and nights, driving a patrol car around (about 300 miles a shift) So I ride whenever I can for my healths sake as well as my sanity. This year however I got into a Giant Defy and I’m planning on trying some competition. STRAVA helps keep me pumped and my GPS isn’t much to lug with me so I have a great record of my rides. My father in law who was a top fuel drag racer for into endurance riding as well. So I’ve got a lot of catching up to do with the Adirondack Ultra Rider!”
Robert Rowe – Boulder, CO
“I started up again because it felt silly to drive less than 3 miles (1 way) to/from work everyday. Now, I enjoy being outdoors more, being a louder advocate in the city, being healthier, and most importantly, having fun!”