Look Who’s Loving the Bike: March
It’s March, and here’s our “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” stories for this month. Please take a look at what these lovers have to say, and we’d love to hear from you as well. Submit your “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” story to us at any time.
Simone Henderson – Brisbane, Australia
“Hard to pinpoint a real ‘reason’ but for me, it’s not like any other type of exercise… it’s a bit like a cult.. You either do, or you don’t. It’s the kits, the bits, the bikes, the addiction to buying bike ‘jewellery’.. the relationships with the bike shops, the wind that cools you down on a hot day, the distances, the comradery and coffee!!, the constant quest to go faster and further.. to get lighter.. the next ride.. the next bike.. the next set of wheels.. it just doesn’t stop.. I have HEAPS of reasons for loving the bike!”
Sally Barker – Leeds, UK
“It’s the freedom that cycling gives me…getting up early, heading to the countryside, viewing the fantastic scenery that Yorkshire has to offer, wrapping up warm to brave the English winters, having some “me” time by riding alone or riding in a group for a bit of cycling banter. I enjoy always having an excuse to shop for the latest bit of kit or the newest cycling gadget. I love the number of calories that a long ride burns and I love having a reason to indulge in the finest lunch after a 4-hour Sunday ride.”