Look Who’s Loving the Bike: October 2012
Here’s a look at who’s loving the bike for October, 2012. At the top of each month we like to feature the amazing stories and memories of people who are loving the bike. Please take a look at what these lovers have to say. Hey…..and we’d love to hear from you as well….feel free to submit your “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” story to us at any time.
Elisabeth Hurckes – Orlando, FL
“I grew up riding a bike. I remember the days where our community would host a Memorial Day bike parade or 4th of July parade and we would decorate our bikes intertwining crepe paper in between the spokes, flags on the handle bars and streamers off the handles. I rode my bike to school and to my after school and summer jobs. Fast forward and I purchased a road bike in 2006 when I really picked up cycling and joined Team in Training for my first Century ride, America’s Most Beautiful in Lake Tahoe.
I met such great friends with Team in Training and many of us continue to cycle together. During one of these rides, we were talking about all things cycling and one of my friends talked about Loving the Bike. I have been a subscriber ever since!”
Wendy Davis – O’Fallon, MO
“When I ride I get to be ME. I love being a wife and mom, but I love To have a break. No laundry, no dishes, no cooking. Just pedaling and feeling free. The health benefits are awesome too. Happy Trails/Road! Getyasome! “
Shawn McAfee – Little Elm, TX
“Riding clears the brain. Stress leaves the body with every pedal stroke. Diving through trees, railing berms and leaping off logs is the most relieving and de-stressing thing in the world.”
David Landsperger – Pittsburgh, PA
“My bike let me be the master of time and space. No longer was I constrained by how fast my legs would take me down the road…and especially the down the hills! I was one with my trusty Columbia. Same today, just a different bike.”

I love reading the reasons why others love riding bikes. I’ll send in my reasons for loving the bike.