Look Who’s Loving the Bike – October
As you know, at the top of each month we like to feature the amazing stories and memories of people who are loving the bike. Please take a look at what our October lovers have to say. We’d love to hear from you as well….feel free to submit your “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” story to us at any time.
Eric Hutchins (@trimon29) – Houston, Tx
“My love for the bike comes from a feeling. Those times when everything is working right, your spinning along, the road is smooth the scenery beautiful, the only sound the whir of your gearset. Your body is up off the ground and it feels like flying. Not being a writer I can’t describe it like you guys can but, its magical, it feels for a while like you can go forever, like you wont tire, like gravity doesn’t effect you.”
Pamela Fagan Hutchings (@Pameloth) – Houston, Tx
“I love the bike because it makes me feel like I am at that magical age of “no responsibility,” when you first experience freedom on your bike, the freedom to go wherever two wheels can take you. Ah, to be young, flying, and free. What is ever better than discovering that feeling? I rediscover it every time I sit on a bicycle seat.”
Read more about why Pamela is loving the bike over at her blog: Road to Joy
Lou Cook – Westford, Ma
“I was on a ride today and started reminiscing about how I got into cycling. Way back in 1984 one of my good friends Matt started riding a lot. He was so into it that he bought his bike piece by piece and built it himself. I would go over his house and sit and read the old cycling magazines he had piled up on the floor. His room always smelled of bike grease and you had to be careful where you sat as there were drying chamois shorts everywhere. These were OLD SCHOOL chamois in which you had to massage lotion into the chamois in order to keep it supple. I would sit in a trance as he would tell me about his rides and how far had traveled. I marveled at the many towns he would visit on a single ride. Thanks Matt for everything.”
Shelly Leslie – Raleigh, NC
“That’s why I love the bike. The wind in my face, the stillness in my mind. On the bike is where I think about nothing but being on the bike. Taking in the world’s beauty. Concentrating on that which is right in front of me. Remarkable how it clears my head and gives life to my creativity off the bike. That’s why I’m loving the bike.”
Dave Criswell – Boston, MA
“The ride I’ll never forget. I’ve had a few “epic” rides during my cycling and triathlon days but last Saturday’s July 4th ride topped them all.”
Dave explains it all in his blog post found here.
Aimee Wilson – Philadelphia, PA
“One of my most memorable rides was in about 50 degree or so weather. I just know it was very cold and damp here in suburban Philly that day. I was determined to finish the ride because I wanted to see the Covered Bridges (the name of the ride) along the route. I learned to win against adversity and find the positives in a given situation (the covered bridges were amazing).”

Nice, Darryl 🙂
We are not loving the next two weeks with Eric off the bike. We are ground-bound and pouty.
Perfect fall riding weather in Texas!!!