Look Who’s Loving the Bike: September 2012
Each month (or almost each month) we post people’s comments in this “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” feature. This time around we’re featuring the stories of people who are Loving the Commute. Please take a look at what these lovers have to say, and we’d love to hear from you as well. Submit your “Look Who’s Loving the Bike” story to us at any time.
Thomas Knott – Cincinnati, Oh
“The fun of it is enough.
I ride the bus to work normally, so commuting by bike was the next step. It allows me more time on the bike during the week, alternating a flat route with a hilly route, it also gives me a diverse workout. Some days I actually beat the bus home. The fresh air after a hard day is a welcome relief, not to mention the little bit that I do towards the environment and savings on gas, parking or bus fare, and car maintenance.”
Nick Lindsey – Fort Collins, Co
“In the midst of busy days, I like the guaranteed time my bike commute gives me to sit back, get my legs and lungs pumping, and think about things like wind, bugs, old churches, and stars.”
Katrina Foley – Sheffield, United Kingdom
“You know exactly how long the journey is going to take, no sitting in queuing traffic or on packed public transport .”
Gary Ashcraft – Houston, Tx
“I returned to cycling in college. When I moved to Houston in ’80’ I first had an office downtown, which at that time was a ghost town after 7:00 M-F and weekends. I lived outside the loop on Memorial Dr. so it was a straight shot in and out.
I started cycling in to the office on Saturday’s, it gave me a workout and a chance to knock out some paperwork (80’s multitasking?). Then came the ‘Moonlight Ramble’s – MS-150’s that counted in 100’s not THOUSANDS.
I love to ride, no doubt about it, and Houston has been a great place to encourage me.”
Gabe McKay – Toronto, Ontario
“I love the money I save (approx $200 per month) I love the freedom, the excitement of riding through downtown traffic and I love what it’s done for my waist line. I’ve been commuting for 3 years now and I am addicted.”