Looking for Windows
Anyone who rides a bike understands “the window” − a brief period of time when you head out for a ride because you know it won’t happen otherwise. Could be a small clearing on the weather radar map. Or the time between waking up and having to head to the office. Or sometimes it’s the time between hitting send on one project email before starting another one.
And these days, it’s trying to find time between running a new business and wanting to ride. Or rather, needing to ride.
You know. That window.
– Suzanne

: ) thanks
I have historically procrastinated way to much and a lot of my windows close ONLY though fault of mine. My “new leaf” has been to leap through that open window and stopping trying to predict how long it will be there.
Excellent! Hope you have many windows opened for you
Love that ‘suddenly opened’ window 😉
I hear you, Suzanne. I honestly have something going on inside me that makes riding my bike a priority each day. There’s always an open window, and I hope you keep finding yours.