Loving the Bike TV: Organic Entertainment
I’m on my way home to Grenada as this post goes up, and man I am so looking forward to being back. This quick trip to Florida has been nice, but it’s definitely reinforced my reasons for choosing to live where we do.
There’s a lot of realizations that smacked me in the face, seeing as it’s been over two years since I was in North American civilization….which I’ll write about one day should I feel it necessary to get it written out. But for now, I wanted to share some Loving Life…on and off the Bike advice by talking about the beauty of organic entertainment against that which is fabricated for you.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-_i1yw5u1c’]

I cannot possibly agree with you more than this post. Pamela and I have had opportunities to go to some incredible natural places in the last five years and the man made ones that we have been to don’t come close to those experiences.
Now that we have had the opportunity to see places like Big Bend, and the Hoodoos and Crater Lake and Mount Rainier, It Baffles me why anyone would prefer to spend a ton on an artificial experience when the real ones are out there, easily accessible, for everyone to enjoy.
You know it, Eric. Natural beauty will always beat out fabrication….in people, places, and all things.
So true!
Thanks, Darrell…..great name, by the way.