Loving the BITE: Rice is a Great Training Fuel
It only takes a little rice to deliver a lot of great riding fuel. It’s an easy, whole-food, delicious, compact source of carbohydrates. And while rice has had quiet a resurgence among athletes with Dr. Allen Lim’s wonderful rice cakes, it’s been a favorite of many athletes around the world for years. This week, we’ll explore a quick rice pre-ride breakfast that many clients love before training and races. Not everyone wants to down a smoothie before a ride, and this is a great alternative.
Recipe of the Week: Easy Rice & Egg Pre-Training Breakfast
- 1 tsp organic coconut oil, avocado oil, or butter
- 1 whole egg + 1 egg white (preferably cage-free, high omega-3s)
- 1 cup cooked rice
- 1 tsp Bragg’s liquid aminos OR soy sauce (Braggs are from non-gmo soy) OR 1/8 tsp salt
- canned beets (optional)
Scramble eggs in oil over medium heat. Once cooked, add rice until heated through. Season with soy sauce/liquid aminos. Want a boost during your ride? Try adding beets. They work well with eggs and rice, and can be added with the rice to warm ’em up.
Easy as pie. There’s a few reasons why this breakfast works well as a pre-ride:
Rice: Just one cup of cooked rice provides 45 grams of carbohydrates (1/2 cup is equivalent to most gel packets)! If you’re planning on a ride 3+ hours, increase rice to 1.5 cups for 65 grams and add a banana on the side.
Eggs: Eggs provide a moderately-fast digesting protein source. This means they are great in pre-ride; after an hour or two to digest, they’ll be ready to go to work in your body. If you’re an athlete that experiences extra gas from eggs, avoid them and use nuts, meat, or another protein source instead.
Organic coconut oil: Coconut oil is a saturated fat that is easily digested, and readily used by the cells as a fuel source.
Liquid Aminos or Soy Sauce: In a term, this means sodium. You’ll get about 300 mg sodium with any option. If you’re heading out for 3+ hours, or if you’re training in high-heat/humidity, double this ingredient to give yourself a head-start on sodium needs.
Beets: Beets are a natural source of nitrates, a food component that can dilate arteries in the body. While riding, this means better oxygen transport and delivery, and even better oxygen uptake by the muscles. You can find more information here.
If you’d like to add rice during your ride, here’s a couple to-go options: Dr. Lim’s Rice Cakes and Kelli’s Bacon Rice Burritos.
Bonus Tip: Want your rice and egg breakfast even faster? Make a few batches. Before adding the soy sauce, separate into individual servings and freeze. Then, when you need a quick pre-ride meal, through it in a skillet with a bit more oil. Season with soy sauce and you’re all set.
Simple ingredients and a simple meal. Fuel up and feel great on your bike this week!
Fuel Your Ride. Nourish Your Body.

Interesting, I’ve been having a variation of this myself for some time now after my stomach went through a phase of hating wheat & gluten.
Definitely going to try this. I love rice, raised with it. And we always have Brags in the house. Just don’t normally think of rice as anything but a dinner side.
Thank you.