Loving the Bike Has No Age Boundaries
A couple weeks ago, I found this picture on Facebook. It was posted by Allen Beuchamp, but more than likely shared by countless cyclists across the web.
I’m still not sure what I think of social media, and as I said once before….it does not define you. But I do love seeing great photos like this one posted each and every day.
As soon as I saw it, the words “Loving the Bike Has No Age Boundaries” popped into my head. I can’t think of a better image to show how true this really is.
I absolutely love this picture. In about 40 years from now, we’re going to hold a Loving the Bike meet up race and get a photo just like this one to spread around the world. Who’s going to be there with me for that?
I can’t help but think of my Grandpa when I see a photo like the one at the top. He’s likely the reason for my love of cycling and I once wrote about how “Grandpa LovingtheBike” continued to ride until he was 93.

I hope I’m still riding at that age. This past April, I rode the Red Poppy Ride in Georgetown, TX. One of the many sponsors was the Sun City TX Cyclists. It was great to see so many “old” folks out on their bikes, many of them passing me.
I keep looking at old people on bikes then realize I’m one of them
Keep on riding.
I’ll definitely be one of those old guys riding a bike when I get to that age.
What’s NOT to love about that image!
I hope (and plan) to still be spinning a pair of wheels at that age. More power to anyone who values cycling as a lifelong love.