Loving the Bike TV: Finding a Way out of the Funk
It’s been way too long since I last put up a Loving the Bike TV video, and this episode talks all about the funk that kept me away from it.
It’s pretty hard to pump out motivation and tell people to love life…..when you’re in a funk, right? Well, here’s what I’ve been doing to get out of it. Believe me, I’m doing all I can to stay Funk Free.
Check out this weeks episode filmed from under our Moringa Tree, and how it helps symbolize the topic.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbP7MZOGwfM’]

Right on, Darryl. It can be so hard to pull out of a funk and worse when you either get stuck in, or establish, a routine for yourself that keeps you in it. Then you don’t sleep well at night so you don’t feel like riding and it rains 7″ over the weekend so you can’t ride and there is more rain predicted for the coming weekend and your kid is struggling in school and behind on homework and you have to pass on a great job opportunity and… Yeah. I’m in one, too.
I didn’t ride, but got on the treadmill for an hour last night and that helped a bit. Still didn’t sleep well and am still tired, but am feeling a bit better about life. Still in my funk, but climbing back up the ladder…