Loving the Bike TV: Insignificant Problems
If you’re anything like me, you find yourself getting way too tied up with insignificant problems and things. I’m always stressing my mind or getting frustrated over the small stuff.
In this week’s episode of Loving the Bike TV, I talk about what can be done to remind yourself just how insignificant many of these problems actually are.
Another tip that will hopefully help us all love life….on and off the bike.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COMJCARQQNU’]

Yeah, Darryl, this is a tough one for me. Sweating the Small Stuff is something I’m really good at and struggle not to do, but rarely succeed. Often, a bike ride or some yard work helps clear my head, but day-to-day I have to pick my battles and try hard not to try to control everything.
You sound a lot like me, Paul….I guess that’s why we’re connected. Yeah, that video really helped me realize that if I spend more time looking out into the vastness of the world….my own personal world and problems seem very small.