Loving the Bike TV: Let it Slide
Did you know that there is something beautiful in accepting something that could come across as annoying? Yeah, by letting it slide and being okay with it…..you just might find some hidden amazement. On top of it all, you’ll help eliminate stress in your life.
Have a look at my response to my neighbor blasting religious music early each Sunday morning, and how it helps me love life on and off the bike.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUiOfz2mroA’]

I’m not always great at letting things slide, but working on it. I am okay with the music first thing in the morning, but if it was late at night, I might feel a different way. Do you have any advice on how to make all things slide?
Man this is such an important concept. LET IT SLIDE. Dont know what the deal is exactly but we all seem to be so quick to RAGE, about little things. Why is that?
I think that its more than that though. What’s important about the “let it slide” approach is not the ONE thing that happens to you, its that if your DONT let things slide, its the accumulation of things that build up until they are this weight on your shoulders that you cant carry.
The thing that I miss most about the islands is that I think the cultures in the islands get this concept better than people in Mainstream North America.