Loving the Bike TV: Making the Most of Change
For most people, change is one of the most feared things they can possibly imagine. I, however, have pretty much made a career out of change. More than a few times I’ve totally redesigned every possible aspect of my life and been through my share of excessive changes.
This month I went through two major changes all within 6 days, and have come out on the other side. Yeah, you could say it’s been a little k-otyk around here.
I’m sharing a little personal insight, and laying out one of my personal fears about change in this week’s edition of Loving the Bike TV:
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1nBOT_Eq78′]

Thanks Guido….always appreciate your support and comments. Keep on living the life, my man.
Hey darryl
Great little tv published, love your style and philosophy to life. Keep it going man.