Loving the Bike TV: Push Through the Headwind
Whether you’re on or off the bike, there’s going to be days where the headwind it almost too much to take on. But just like on the bike, we push through and find a tailwind once again.
This episode of Loving the Bike TV is a reminder about how we can use our experience of pushing through a headwind on the bike, for our off the bike encounters as well.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cTFFg9COag’]

I fought a 20+ mph headwind on my commute to work this morning. Main difference between my ride and yours is that the temp here was 18°F. 🙂
Hey Greg……yeah, that’s a big difference. Man, you just need to fly over here to Grenada so we can drink coffee and push through some warm headwind together.