Loving the Bike TV: The Power of Water
One of the essentials of loving life on and off the bike is to appreciate the power of water. Hydration from water while on the bike is a vital necessity for all cyclists…..and I strongly feel that the healing power of water (especially ocean water) is incredibly valuable for life off the bike.
Please don’t hate on me as I film this episode of Loving the Bike TV from the shore of Grand Anse Beach here in Grenada. Water….one of the keys to Loving Life on and off the Bike.
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n-hULDgiLA’]

I completely agree with the healing power of the ocean. I used to do a lot of ocean swimming and I have no doubt that it helped me tremendously with my sinus, which are now a constant problem.
And never forget how lucky you are to be filming that piece on the beach where you are. Life is good.
Thanks Eric…..yep water of all sorts of amazing. You and me with have a dip in the ocean together one day soon.