Loving the Bite
We’ve decided to start tossing out a weekly recipe post over here at Loving the Bike. What do you think? Good idea….Bad idea….Totally Yummy? Let us know. Yeah, we’re a cycling website….but a cyclist has got to eat, right? Anyway, we’ll try it this week and see what kind of feedback we get. Thumbs up and we’ll keep putting out a super healthy, cycling nutritious recipe for you each Tuesday….Thumbs down and this will be the last recipe you see over here at LTB.
Loving the Bite: Almond Flour Waffles with Cottage Cheese and Berries
Love waffles but want to lose the spare tire? Here’s a recipe you can love and that will love you back.
Make almond flour waffles (there’s many recipes out there….a great recipe and site: http://www.elanaspantry.com/forums/topic/my-favorite-almond-flour-waffles ). Top 1 medium waffle with ½ cup cottage cheese, 1 Tbsp ground flaxseeds or Chia seeds and 1 cup berries (for sweeter topping mix 3 drops Stevia (1/2 teaspoon powdered) with berries, then place on top of cottage cheese).
Why Almond Flour? Using almond flour to make baked goods give you waffles that are essentially eggs and nuts rather than a grain-based waffle. Especially compared to refined grains (white flour waffles), and even whole-wheat flour, almonds are higher in protein, heart-healthy fats, and many other nutrients. For those who are trying to lose weight, almonds don’t spike blood sugars or insulin output (which can lead to fat-storage).
Fuel the ride, nourish the body.

Thanks for all the positive comments on the recipes. It looks like we have a winner and will continue with it in the future. Kelli will be providing a great recipe for you each week in our Loving the “Bite” feature…..but we’re moving it to Thursdays instead of Tuesdays.
Please let us know what kinds of recipes you’d like to see.
I love the idea! Did you see my homemade pancake and waffle recipes on my blog? You could use them if you wanted…
Thanks for all the comments! We’re excited that you like the idea of healthy cyclist recipes. Almond flour can be a little tricky, and this is why I pointed your towards http://www.elanaspantry.com – I haven’t gone wrong with her recipes/recommendations yet – you can find many almond flour recipes on her site. And, if you have to add syrup to your waffles, at least now you’re adding them to high-protein almond waffles! @ Tim, I wish I could help with the beer – unfortunately, that one’s out of my league. – Kelli, RD
Oh yummmm! Nothing better than waffles, imo. And while your toppings sound good, I must still opt for genuine Canadian maple syrup goodness myself (fat storage be damned). 😉
Nice…good to hear your keeping those Canadian syrup guys in business. Glad you liked the recipe post. It looks like we got a thumbs up so we’re going to continue with it….but on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays.
The waffles sound great. Looking for new recipes here too that the kids will like.
Yeah, I’m always interested in healthy recipes for my kids as well…..so we’ll definitely be including them in the future. Keep your eyes open for our new Loving the Bite Thursdays feature.
Love the idea. I can always use some new recipes under my belt. Mmmmm waffles.
Both thumbs up. Nutrition is a key part of any athlete’s success….and many eat like crap. Nutrition is also often the missing piece of the equation when a person gets stuck and can’t move forward in their fitness goals. Eat to win! I love it.
Those waffles sound great.
i think a weekly recipe is a great idea!
I agree with Tim. 2 thumbs up. I was about to send you a snarky tweet about the Loving the Bite “typo” but now I see the #secretevol meaning. Brilliant.
I’d like to submit an early recipe request… it would be great if @T_Starry could one day provide his favorite home brew recipe.
I have a “wheels down wheat ale” and a IPA I named “heavy fuel”
two thumbs way way up!