Loving the BITE: 3 Effective Pre-Ride Snacks Already in your Kitchen
We’ve all been there before. Looking forward to a good ride, and searching the pantry for quick snack before heading out. Well, I’ve got good news. A great pre-ride fueling choice is likely at your fingertips, just setting in your kitchen, ready to nourish your body before you start. Here are three everyday foods that can provide great fuel as you start a ride.
Recipe of the Week: Everyday Quick Pre-Ride Fuel Choices
- 1-1.5 cups Fresh fruit. My favorites: A banana, frozen grapes or watermelon
- 1-2 Tbsp raw, local honey
- 1/2 large pickle spear along with 1-2 oz. pickle juice
Place all ingredients in the blender…just kidding, don’t do that (no one needs a pickle smoothie).
Instead, pick your pre-ride fuel option(s) and roll.
Each of these options are a great choice on their own, or you can have one of each for effective pre-ride fueling (but again, no need to blend them).
Fresh fruit can be a great choice, and athletes have sworn by bananas as a fuel option forever…and for good reason. To start, bananas have a significant amount of potassium, good for both exercise and overall heart health. Next, they have antacid properties that can calm the stomach, even if you’re a cyclist who deals with stomach issues on the bike. And maybe most importantly, they are a concentrated source of carbohydrates. One medium banana has more carbs than many energy bars or gels, without all the fiber of many other fruits. They are an easy-on-the-stomach carb fueling source. Logistically, I don’t think they pack well for on-the-bike nutrition…but I do love a good banana in pre-ride.
Next, honey is one of nature’s perfect fueling carbs, as it breaks down rather slowly and provides moderately long-lasting energy. In studies, it affects blood sugars, energy, and performance similar to maltodextrin (the starchy carb source often used alongside glucose in engineered fuels). Honey’s made up of almost equal parts glucose and fructose. And, if it’s organic or raw, honey will provide enzymes that aid in digestion and antioxidants that promote cellular health.
And the one that doesn’t seem to belong? The 1/2 pickle spear. Although it may seem odd, a pickle, along with one of the carb sources above, is a great choice especially if it’s hot outside OR if you have a history of muscle cramps. In fact, the pickle itself will provide about 400 mg sodium, enough to reduce the effects of heat during a workout and increase blood volume. What’s more, the vinegar in the pickle juice can have an immediate (and beneficial) effect on muscle cramps as well as a lasting preventative one. Perfectly whole-food fueling.
Don’t like these options? Your kitchen’s likely brimming with good choices. Baked sweet potatoes, dates, and more make
This week, there’s no mixing, baking, smashing, or blending. There’s only grab-n-go pre-ride fueling at it’s best. and other whole foods can work, too. Don’t like pickles? Add 1/8 tsp salt to your fuel for a sodium pre-load. But if you do like this week’s choices, just grab a spoon and honey jar, grab a piece of fruit, and/or grab a pickle spear. Doesn’t get much easier, or much more effective, than this.
Fuel Your Ride. Nourish Your Body.
If you’d like to work with Kelli one-on-one with a Custom Nutrition Plan & Coaching, or download one of her acclaimed Instant Download Plans like Fuel Right Race Light, click here: Apex Nutrition Plans for Endurance Athletes. Be sure to use coupon code lovingthebike for a 15% discount!