Loving the BITE: Fuel Right with a Side of Cycling Community Generosity
It’s with a heavy heart that I write this week’s Loving the Bite. A car-bike accident has recently claimed the life of another cyclist. A dad. A husband. A life.
This time, it happened on Lookout Mountain Road in Golden, CO, a wonderfully fun road route that I ride frequently. Every crash like this is extremely saddening, no matter where it happens. For me, though, this one certainly hits close to home.
Rather than a food recipe this week, I thought we’d try to help this cyclist’s wife and son. I wasn’t sure how to help best, but since financial help is always needed in a situation like this, I thought it was a good start…and I’d love your help as well.
If you’ve ever considered purchasing my ebook, Fuel Right Race Light, there’s no better time than the next few days. From now through the end of Sunday, I would love to provide a copy of it for any donation sent to the gofundme account that’s been set up for this family. Fuel Right Race Light is my complete nutrition program for both daily nutrition and training nutrition. If you’re interested in supporting this family, and getting my book as a bonus, here’s how to do it:
Recipe of the Week: Fuel Right with a Side of Cycling Community Generosity
- Memory of Tom Flanagan gofundme account
- Generous Cycling Community
- Fuel Right Race Light
Go to the Flanagan Family go fund me site and donate: http://www.gofundme.com/tomflanagan
Next, send me an email @ [email protected] letting me know you donated.
I’ll email you a copy of Fuel Right Race Light.
Lastly, spread the word to anyone you think would like to donate, get my ebook, or both.
Thank you so much for considering a donation. I did not know Tom personally, nor do I know his wife or son. They live is the same small town as we do, and he worked with a good friend of mine. But, since I’ve ridden Lookout Mountain Road hundreds of times, so the chances are that we crossed paths. And even if you’ve never been to Golden, you may have seen this road route yourself – it was the climb out of Golden on the final stage of the Pro Cycling Challenge both this year and previously.
I’ll let the stories and entries on the gofundme page tell Tom’s story, from those who knew and loved him.
In case you’re wondering, I’ve decided to just have you go directly to the gofundme link, donate, and then send me an email rather than purchasing the book through my site and donating to reduce the number of fees that could decrease the money given to the family (paypal, etc). And, if you’d like to read it, the news story of the accident can be found here.
Lastly, just so you know what I’m offering, you can find out more about Fuel Right Race Light, and read reviews of it from other athletes on my site at http://www.apexnutritionllc.com/fuelrightblog/product/fuel-right-race-light-nutrition-plan/
From the bottom of my heart, thanks again!
Fuel Your Ride. Nourish Your Body.