Make It Happen Monday: Cure Cancer
I wish I could just tell the world to stop. Grab hold of the Government and tell them to wise up and focus on humanity. Tap into the bank accounts of the overly wealthy and use it for something important. Find out if the pharmaceutical world really does have the cure.
Is it just me or is our society actually being torn apart by cancer? There are a lot of illnesses out there, but no other has become such a major topic and no other has affected so many people. It’s on a rampage.
It’s one of those things where it just needs to be fixed before we move on to the next thing. Forget about inventing something new. Forget about what you’re going to make for supper. Forget about how much tax that person owes the Government. Get this thing fixed. Get it fixed now.
There are Billions of dollars being raised to find a cure. Either find it or find out what is causing this thing to develop. If it were up to me, I would stop the world for a few days and have us all focus on nothing other than a cure. Imagine that. If the people from Extreme Home Makeover can band hundreds of people together to build a dream home in seven days….maybe cancer can be cured if society spent seven days focusing on nothing else.
Maybe I’m foolish to think my thoughts….I’m not sure. We’re doing pretty good at raising money and awareness. What I’m asking for is the next step. Taking this thing up about 28 Million levels. Stop the world for seven days. Focus on one thing. Let’s all help Make it Happen. Cure cancer.
While we wait for this dream scenario to take place, I definitely want to pay tribute to incredible organizations like Livestrong, the Pablove Foundation, Susan G Komen, the American and Canadian Cancer Societies, and all the other great organizations out there. A big shout out as well to my friend Rik who puts in hours upon hours in his role as a paediatric cancer researcher for CRTC. You’re one amazing guy, and we thank you for all the hard work you put in.

People already know about the cure. There is a cure. usally if you tell someone about it. they wouldnt beleave you anyways. They would much reather take the radeation treatment then listen to an uneducated man tell them. I have tryed to tell people. they dont listen. I’ll tell you if you want to know. not because i’m a doctor no. i’m not even a high school graduate. i only know this because i was there in the doctors office when he showed my mom the toomer she had on her heart. cancer! I’ve only seen people that should have died within a day or two contenue to live and even the doctors cant explane it. That’s because The cure for cancer is not used for medical purposes. anyway. if you can help me figure out how to make a blog to catch some attention i will tell you. email me [email protected] thanks
Those are great organizations and well worth a shout out. Cancer is a scary thing. Genetic? Environmental? From what we eat? I think part of the fear is how little we know about how to PREVENT becoming a cancer victim.