Make it Happen Monday: Fight For World Happiness
In a world full of happy people, I’d never have a concern.
Never wondering how that child feels.
Never wondering why there isn’t more love.
A friend would help a friend. A stranger would help a stranger.
Every person would show kindness to the person sitting next to them.
We’d all remain perfect, just as we first started.
Some days we leave our halo hanging on the bed post.
Living that day without care. Without kindness. Without love.
These are the days where we only have time for ourselves.
No time to relax and let a vehicle merge in front of us.
Too busy to spend time with the ones you Love.
A total lack of prioritization.
I’m not sure if they actually need it.
But I have a hug inside of me for that little girl who needs crutches.
For that shy little boy caught in an awkward situation.
The depressed person who can’t find a way out.
For the kid who gets bugged every day at school.
The awesome woman who can’t find love.
Sometimes its hard to see, but we really are all perfect.
As they say….God makes no mistakes.
We were born Angels.
We are to live as Heroes.
We have a right to life long happiness.
And days filled with joy.
Inside of me I have a burning and constant hunger.
A hunger for world peace, world happiness, world joy.
For every Dad to be their kid’s Hero.
For all of us to get along…tossing aside egos, vendettas, and wars.
Caring more about the music, caring less about the hype.
Where happiness rules the day.

Well done.
When we are about to jump in the hectic fray of another work week, this helps get things started on the right keel. Thank you.
Thank you for this comment. The Make it Happen Monday series is therapy for me and just another component that makes my cycling life and regular life better. Have a great day and thanks for helping to make mine better.
So true. #MakeitHappen Monday’s are some of my very favorite posts.