Make it Happen Monday: Pay Yourself First
Do you ever find that there just isn’t enough time to get your ride in during the day? Just like they say in the financial world….try “Paying Yourself First”. I think I first heard that tagline way back in a book called The Wealthy Barber. It was the first book I had ever read on the topic of financial freedom and although most of the content I read hasn’t stayed with me, that Pay Yourself First line totally has.
Pay Yourself First – This simple system is touted by many personal finance professionals and retirement planners as a very effective way of ensuring that individuals continue to make their chosen savings contributions month after month. It removes the temptation to skip a given month’s contribution and the risk that funds will be spent before the contribution has been made.
But it’s taken on a much different meaning for me along the way. I feel it is most useful if you think about all the important things in your life, and then Pay Yourself First by making those the priorities, and making sure you always have enough time for them. I’d assume that most people reading this are cycling fanatics….what do you do to ensure that you always have time to get your ride in?
You can take it a step further and make your personal health your number one priority….and cycling just might be one of the ingredients in making that happen. But how come it’s so easy to get tied up with your daily routine and stresses at work, and that ride just never seems to materialize? Paying Yourself First with either an early morning ride, or creating a lifestyle that makes a daily ride possible will ensure your priorities stay in check.
What are your top priorities? Let us know what you’re doing to Pay Yourself First.

I started four weeks ago with twenty kilometers each evening,
the daily tour build up to forty k’s and now I’ve started my commuting twenty-five
kilometers to work and a longer round back. That’s my Pay Yourself First. Keep
on cyclingJ
I pay myself first most of the time, but there are some people in my life that beg that I pay them first. As long as that doesn’t happen ALL the time, than it’s okay. I definitely wake up early so that I can get in my workouts, without any complaints from family/friends. 🙂 Good post, thank you!
Hi Megan, yeah that can often be the tricky part. Good luck with setting your plan to Pay Yourself First and making sure the rest of the crew is looked after as well.
Perfect topic for a Make it Happen Monday, so easy to just let it slide, so important to force yourself back to center and take care of yourself. I fight this demon a lot. I feel selfish when I do things for myself first. I try to force myself to think that take care of my health will hopefully allow me to be around longer to take care of others so in a way it is not just for me.
Hey Eric, thanks for you comments. From what I know about you, I think you’re doing a great job at making sure your priorities are paid first.
about 10 yrs ago, at a job where everyone else had kids, I decide my bike was my kid and made exercise my priority, been working pretty good so far!
Thanks Kim, glad to see the bike has helped you with your priorities on exercise. Keep up the great work.
I pay myself first by helping others live their life to the fullest. The bicycle is the tool I choose to help deliver my message, it gave me my life back and it would be selfish not to share how wonderful it really is….
Nice plan, Joel…..sound like a great way to Pay Yourself First.
It’s funny that it took a blog post for us to talk about this and get you motivated. I’m so glad you liked this post and are ready to make it happen once again.
This is something that ALWAYS gets overlooked, and or “put off” for later. I have been guilty of this from time to time. With my hours, I sometimes would not ride or run consistently. To curb this I have started to ride to work,making sure that I would be on the bike. Now I make a point to set time aside mid day, just to get in some time on the bike. It helps make my day more productive, as riding is a great mind cleanse for me. I feel better once back in the lab, and am able to think more clearly. Outside of my love for cycling, I do suggest that everybody take the time to do something they love everyday. Its too easy to get caught up in a daily grind, and postpone the things that make you you. Life is too short, and you should smile everyday.
Now that is some make it happen wisdom, Rik. I love your attitude and would like to thank you for the great reminder. Yes, spend each day doing the things you Love.
hoping to get back to bike commuting this week. That always ensures that I get the cycling in. I just have to figure out who’s going to cook dinner.
Nice….good to hear it, Jody. It will al come together and that dinner will taste even better when you arrive home on your bike.
I do this now. Family, work, exercise, cycling are my daily priorties and mostly in that order. However, exercise and cycling are mostly one of the same.
Thanks Bethel, good to see you’ve got your priorities together and are Paying Yourself First.
Getting to bed early so that I can get up at 4 to ride is key to this philosophy.
Looks like you’ve got things under control. Thanks for your comments on this one.