Make it Happen Monday: Reckless
There’s a lot of words to describe the life that my Wife and I live. One that definitely makes the list is Reckless. Now that may not be something most people strive for… believe me, it’s not always the easiest way to live. We’ve done a lot of crazy things….but that isn’t what makes us reckless. It’s the fact that we haven’t lived the “typical life” and taken a lot of chances along the way.
It’s not until things aren’t going the way I’d like them to when I start to think that maybe the reckless life ain’t so pretty.
This past weekend I was feeling exactly that way as we took off on a trip to a place called Fredricksburg, Texas for the weekend. It’s a cute, touristy town full of knick knacks and antique shops. As I passed by one store, a sign in the window caught my eye:
It didn’t totally get me out of the mood I was in, but it sure did remind me of how I plan on living my life. I often tell people to enjoy your ride, and so far mine has been pretty freaking awesome. Let’s Make it Happen…..because I sure as heck know that I plan on screaming “What a Ride” on my way out of here.

I have so much respect for you guys the way you live your life, the way you raise your kids. It took me a long time and a lot of help from Pamela to reset my priorities and base them more on things that are real and things that count as opposed to what the rest of the world seems to think. I am still a work-in-progress, there are definitely days I worry about stuff that doesn’t matter, but I am getting there, step by step.
Your blog makes me think about the things you here from time to time like “when you are your deathbed, you wont be wishing that you spent an extra day at work, or had another dollar in the bank”. The question we all should be asking ourselves is, what would we be wishing? and what are we doing today to make that happen?
Hug your kids, kiss your wife and ride your bike. 🙂
Have a great week my friend,
This means a lot coming from you, Eric. Thanks for your awesome comments. If I’m able to provide you with any sort of inspiration or motivation….that makes me feel incredibly proud. This goes both ways you know….I’ve been getting a lot of wisdom from you and Pamela in many different areas as well.
This means a lot coming from you, Eric. Thanks for your awesome comments. If I’m able to provide you with any sort of inspiration or motivation….that makes me feel incredibly proud. This goes both ways you know….I’ve been getting a lot of wisdom from you and Pamela in many different areas as well.
Right on, Darryl! Great post!
Thanks Daniela….keep on being as Reckless and I know you can be.
According to one dictionary, ‘reckless’ means: “given to or marked by unthinking boldness. Reckless suggests wild carelessness and disregard for consequences.”
Reckless is the anthesis of how I live my life. I’m a planner, I like lists, and I like to be prepared. 🙂
That being said, I do understand the sign you saw. And really, it’s one reason why I have taken to my bike as much as I have lately. I’ve become exhausted with a life that is guided by a perpetual “To Do” list. Rushing around town, getting all my errands done in as short of time as possible just doesn’t appeal to me anymore. I want to enjoy life more intimately that what that offers.
So I began riding. Now, I stop working on chores in the middle of a Saturday afternoon and take my kids on a long bike ride. Or I’ll take my 7 year old on a ride into town to do errands. Sure, it takes a bit longer, but the memories being created and the life being lived seems to make more sense.
Thanks Kelly. I find that when my mind is full of so many things and the day seems so stressed…..all it takes is a few minutes on the bike and it’s all better. I’m glad that you’re finding the same thing. Go on….keep on leaning over towards the Reckless side.
What a great way to start the day!
Thanks for checking out today’s post. Glad to know that we helped you kick start your week.
Thanks for checking out today’s post. Glad to know that we helped you kick start your week.