I’ve mentioned this previously in a few social media posts, but I really would like to Paint a Smile on the World. I’m not sure exactly how to describe it, but I get an overwhelmingly great feeling throughout my body when I pass by people who are laughing and smiling together. Call me corny, but it really does light me up and I love it when these emotions over-come me.
We’re all here for a very short amount of time, and we really do need to make the most of it. Spending our days smiling and laughing…or downright rolling on the floor hysterically, is a pretty nice way to journey along. The journey really is the destination now, isn’t it?
As cycling fanatics, I know how easily a bike ride can paint a smile on your face….so maybe that’s the answer. We simply need to get everyone on a bike, right? Man, wouldn’t that be something great. Of course, this is my first suggestion….but what else can be done?
How else can I go about painting a smile on the world? If you saw the movie “Hancock” a few years ago you would have seen them paint a heart on the moon. Painting an actual smile on planet Earth is only something possible in the movies, and to be honest….it wouldn’t have the same effect that I’m going for anyway. So what do I do?
The answer hit me last night when I was laying with my Son. We’ve started this new thing where each night I share a little bit of Daddy Wisdom with him. Yeah, this is a super cool idea and I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am to be sharing this with him each night. Anyway, last night’s nugget of wisdom was this:
“Go out tomorrow, and every other day, with the intention of making someone smile.”
It was as simple as that, and I went on to explain that he could even just smile at people and that I was pretty sure they would smile right back at him. On top of all that, I explained that by giving out smiles he was going to make others feel good…..and that it would make him feel great as well. Like they say, “We don’t smile because we’re happy…we’re happy because we smile”.
So the answer I received to this question of how to successfully paint a smile on the world, was to give them away and then hope that it is continued to be paid forward. So go on now….give out your smiles. Together let’s place a great big one on the world.