Make it Happen Overload
Each Monday we put up a Make it Happen post and do what we can to help motivate and kickstart everyone into having a fantastic week….on and off the Bike. But what do you do when you’re experiencing Make it Happen Overload?
I’m not saying I’m always on top of things, but I’m the kind of person who must always get things done. When I have a list of tasks or things needing attention, I can’t rest until they’ve been completed. This attitude applies to pretty much all areas of my life…including my cycling.
On the bike, I sort of have a backwards approach to common training methods. I like to get my big rides and miles in earlier in the week instead of building up to an epic weekend ride. It’s just part of my Do it Now way of thinking.
Off the bike, it’s the same story. Sure I can procrastinate with the best of them, but most of the time my mind does not rest until things have been completed.
Right now, I’m experiencing a huge case of Make it Happen Overload. I have a list of things that need to be done, or at least started, but because they aren’t totally within my decision-making power….I can’t move forward. It’s driving me nuts.
Remember, I live in the Caribbean….a place notorious for things moving slow, so this sort of thing happens quite regularly over here.
Oh, and being very impatient plays a big part in all of this as well. The Queen lyrics of “I want it all, I want it all, I want it all….and I want it now” seem like a very appropriate theme to my way of life.
So as I find myself basking in an ocean of Make it Happen Overload, I’m reminded by those beautiful words to just ease up and let things fall into place like they are meant to happen. Wise advice, and my Make it Happen mind is trying hard to process these words, and put them into action.
How about you? Are you a Make it Happen Maniac like I am? How do you keep it all rolling along without driving yourself insane?
Happy Make it Happen Monday.

Looking forward to reading more. Great article post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.
Superb post here, thought I could learn more from but we can learn more from this post.
Thanks Pamela.
This has been on my mind A LOT lately. I’ve been on a freight train since January of “Making It Happen” and I finally cracked 🙂 I’m reading a bunch of stuff right now on the idea of the 80/20 principle and trying to see how I can start employing that so I can still make things happen without experiencing the overload. (I’m thinking that maybe they have mastered this in the Caribbean!) The whole idea is that everything has a 80/20 relationship (approximately). So for example, I’m looking at what 20% of the things I do that give me 80% of my joy and what 20% of the effort I put in actually produces 80% of the result and then trying to do more of those things. More “awesome” and less “busy work”. I think when you let things fall into place, it organically follows this principle and the things that don’t really matter will eventually slide off your plate. I will hold onto those things forever and let them occupy my mental space so I’ve decided to just start getting rid of them instead! Great topic!
Thanks for your input on this one, Carrie. Yeah, you’d think living in the Caribbean would help this….maybe it just takes time.
I like your 80/20 comment.
I also like getting my big rides in earlier in the week. I guess that makes me overloaded like you are. ha. I find it helps me with my training.
Thanks for adding your input for this topic, James.
I think your wife has the right idea. Things seem to always work themselves out for the best if you’re patient.
Thanks Ricky…..I’m trying.
Things really will work out as they’re meant to….and in time, it will all make sense. I just want us to focus on how amazing our life is, every. single. day., in each little moment.
You do such a wonderful job at making your family a priority. Keep it up. Everything else will work out. Just breathe! 🙂
I Love You.