What is #MakeitHappen Monday?
We’ve been posting a #MakeitHappen article pretty much every Monday for almost four years. But what exactly is the point? There are two main reasons for kicking off the week with a dose of positive energy; to inspire our readers to start each week with motivation to achieve their goals, and to remind myself of how I need to be living my life……on and off the bike.
Our Loving the Bike #MakeitHappen Monday series is a collection of thoughts and stories encompassing my view on the world as I relocated around the world between Canada, the Caribbean, and Texas….inspiring people to a life well lived.
The compilation of writing found within these articles has an underlying theme of bucking the system, remembering who you are, and being the person you dare to be. It’s a chance for readers to find out that they aren’t alone in their thought….as different or diverse as it may be.
Each post is drawn from what I have experienced and seen while living and working in different Countries, and experienced different cultures. The compilation is multi-generational as the topics range from “the positivity found in rap music lyrics” to “the lessons that can be learned from a mosquito”.
I hope our Monday posts have provoked thought…given hope….and entertained through messages written in a surferesque style and non-conventional approach. But at the bottom of it all, it’s a collection of positive messages and the constant reminders that we all need.
I live a non-traditional life, and have always focused on creating my own culture along the way. While living in St. Kitts (West Indies), Austin, Texas, various parts of Canada, and now my home of Grenada, I feel I have gained a sense of what it takes for me to create a Make it Happen life.
I hope these words and writings will help you Make it Happen as well. We’ll continue putting out our Motivational Monday posts and encourage you always remember to #MakeitHappen, #DoitNow, #CreateYourOwnCulture, and #1Love.

Your Make it Happen Monday posts were the things that first got me hooked on your site and allowed me to eventually get to know you. As you know I think one has to consistently BE what it is that they want to BE, if that makes sense, If you act positive and have a positive outlook then positive things will happen for you. Making it happen each week is forcing yourself out of the potential ruts of life, and making sure you are moving forward, one week at a time.
I am always anticipating your inspirational ‘Monday Message’ and I treat it as my ‘kick start’ for the week.
I’m so glad to hear this, Herb. Even if you were the only one who used our Make it Happen Monday post to positively kick start your week, it would be a total success. I’d love to hear more about how it helps you. Thanks for the comment.
Cool. I’ve gotta say, when you said some time ago that you were packing up and moving to Grenada to open a coffee shop/bike touring/renting business, I thought you were nuts. But, I was also a bit jealous that you had the courage to live life like that. It amazes me that people like you exist, can do that and, as you say, #MakeItHappen. Thanks for being an inspiring guy.
Hahahaha, thanks Paul…..yeah, I still want to call you Kirby. I don’t really think of myself as someone like that, but when I look inside, I am proud of the way I’ve lived.
I definitely want to get back to Austin for a visit sometime soon and will make plans to meet up with you.