Mish Mash Friday
There are a few things that I’ve been wanting to blog about, so I’ve chosen today as the day to mash them all together into one happy little post. I generally like to stick to a theme or topic for each blog post, but I’m cool with trying out something different today.
How to Start Road Cycling [Again]
A couple weeks ago, my fellow cycling blog pal, Bryan unleashed his e-book called “How to Start Road Cycling [Again]”. I know first hand that he put a great deal of effort into it and the result is a great manual filled with information and tips on how to get back out on the road. It’s worth a read whether you’re wanting to get back out there, or would like a few pointers on how to make your riding better. You can download his e-book by going to www.bikingtolive.com and entering in your name and e-mail. I know Bryan well enough to know that he isn’t going to start spamming you, so you’re safe leaving your contact information with him.
While out riding on Wednesday, a wasp took a direct hit on my head. It got me right in between the vent slots on my helmet and gave me a mean sting. I’ve been stung a few times in the past and seem to have quite an allergic reaction to them, and this time was no different. I woke up yesterday with a bump on my forehead about the size of a baseball. My Family had a good time bugging me about it, and I thought I’d include a short video to show y’all how funny looking I was yesterday.
Mac Mondays
Every Monday in September, Loving the Bike is going to hit you up with what we’re calling “Mac Mondays”. Our teammate, Myron, is going to post about a different cycling iphone app each week, and from the couple sneak peeks I’ve had…..there is going to be some fantastic stuff coming out. Our world is becoming more and more tech oriented and it has definitely made it’s way into the world of cycling. Be sure to tune in to see what my Mac expert buddy, Myron has to show you.
Where’s Duzer
On August 9th, I posted about Ryan Van Duzer and how we was about to embark on a cycling journey from Vancouver to Cabo San Lucas. As I’ve mentioned many times before, I absolutely love this guy…his attitude and what he stands for. He’s doing this bike trip to bring awareness and to raise money for People for Bikes, and having a ton of fun along the way. He is currently heading down the coast of California, just south of San Francisco and I wanted to check in with him here today. The best way to get a feel for “The Duzer” is to watch him in action….so please have a look at what this crazy biking advocate has been up to.

You look like doctor 2brains from word girl.
It’s a. Kid show on PBS
Looks like it hurt
Yeah, I know the show. The swelling actually moved down into the bridge of my nose and even swelled around my eyes. Today, three days later, I finally look back to normal.
Darryl, thanks so much for mentioning my ebook. It’s much appreciated.
Man, that sting looks painful. Hope it gets better soon.
You’re very welcome, Bryan. You have put together a great cycling source and I know how much you put into it. Nice job.
The sting didn’t hurt at all, just made me look funny for a few days.
I’m loving mish mash Friday and can’t wait for Mac Mondays. We need someone to host Taco Tuesday 🙂 Happy Friday, pal.
Yeah, taco tuesday sounds good. Maybe you should check in with Taco Girl (who I told you about before)….I’m sure she can deliver.