31 Day Do Good Challenge: Day 27
Continue following along with our 31 Day Do Good Challenge, by Rob Greenfield and start off 2014 in a way that will change your life and those around you.
We all know that taking a bike ride or commute does good things for yourself and the World around you….but now we have 31 additional things to help create even more Good.
Each day this month we’ve been posting one simple Do Good task for you to complete. Be sure to continue with us and help us Do Good for everyone. Be sure to leave your comments each day saying how things are going for you.
Day 27: Take part in a free activity today.
Ideas: go to the library and read, go for a walk in the park, or enjoy nature.
For more about Rob Greenfield be sure to follow him on Facebook.

IVE LOVED DOING THIS. (she shouts :))