My First Time With Helmet Hair
Yes, it’s true…..for the first time in like forever, I have hair. I’ve been shaving my head for so long that most people I know didn’t even realize I could even grow hair. But for the past couple months I’ve been letting it grow, and I’m now faced with the issue of helmet hair.
Having a shaved head was great for many reasons, with one of them definitely being that I never had to worry about how my hair looked. Yeah, I’m sure many of you cyclists get that uneasy feeling of taking off your helmet in public.
So what are the options? Well, shaving your head is one way. But for some reason a lot of guys don’t like to go down that road. I can speak from years of experience that it’s a great option. The only real negative is that shaving your head a couple times a week begins to get old after a while.
Another option is getting a lid from the Hatstore, and putting it on after a ride. Yeah, this one is the easy way out for sure. No shaving, no shiny head, and no regrets. The negative with this one is having to carry a hat around with you on the ride if you’re planning on stopping somewhere. But the upside is you can show off your support for a favorite sports team, brand, or even customize your own hat to make it totally unique.
So here I go, my first cycling season having to think about helmet hair. I guess I’ll try out the hat option for now….or I just might go back to my bald roots. What about you?