New Month New Life
Next week we’ll be moving into the month of April, and for many of your around the world it’s the unofficial start of spring…..and a new season of riding.
It’s almost like there is a shift in the Universe and a whole new aura and vibe breezes through your day and all around you. Are you starting to feel it?
Anticipation, excitement, new goals, new beginnings.
I don’t know about you, but I love fresh starts.
It’s Easter Monday and Jesus got his fresh start on this day, why not start your own today? Clear out all that negativity of the past, and move forward in a positive direction right now.
I know I can feel it all around me, and it’s there for you as well. Embrace it. #MakeitHappen.

Hey Darryl
Hope you are well, great little thought on the changes are of nature and new life.
Just yesterday I got my turbo tire off my pinarello and ready to go out on the road and smell the spring time. Also on gmt +1 so longer nights
Looking forward to the big webinar,
Yeah, the smell of spring. Awesome. Thanks for your comment…..I know you’re going to love next week’s road cycling summit.