Our Top 5 Cycling Tips: #4
As we continue with our week of cycling tips, Stevie is here today with #4 for you. This just might be the first time many of you have heard Stevie speak, so make sure you have your translation book handy….you just have to love that UK accent.
Find out what Stevie has to say about proper handlebar height on your bike.
Loving the Bike Cycling Tip #4 – Handlebar Height
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OA-n8uGroI&list=FL9AVngzeSELmdwx3I7ZWhIw’]
Visit us tomorrow for Loving the Bike Cycling Tip #3.

I’ve never adjusted my handlebars since I first got it three years ago. I just assumed they were at the right hight for me. I’m going to take your advice and have a better look.
Glad to see him use the “if your comfortable” criteria. Even though I see he has a very aggressive set up (seat well above stem).
To quote Grant Petersen: “most bikes don’t fit.” Before you spend money on a “bike fit” spend more time when buying the bike, especially if you’re buying something really expensive. There is only so much they can do for you and often it will cost more money than just the fit session (stem, seat post, crank arms, etc.)
Hi Tim. I do have a fairly aggressive position on this bike, much more so than my commuter but it is still comfortable and I’m able to ride on the drops without discomfort. If it becomes uncomfortable… I’ll move them.
I had a bike fit last year and they helped get my handlebars in the proper location. It’s made my comfort level better on the bike and has improved my performance. I agree that this is an important tip.
Thanks Zach. A bike fit almost always worth the money but people shouldn’t be put off trying to get their set up correct themselves if they can’t afford a pricey shop fit session.
Are those really signed Sky jerseys behind you? Who’s signatures do you have? Where can I get one of those enjoy your ride shirts?
Jake they sure are real. The Sky ‘rainforest’ jersey is signed by the 2011 Tour de France team and and the GB national champions skinsuit is signed by Geraint Thomas from when he was the Road Race Champion of GB. I’ve got a few other gems, including Chris Hoy and Mark Cavendish.