Own the Moment
We are brave like a soldier
Overcoming daily battles
Scared of the darkness
Always haunted by something nobody knows
Full of potential
Hidden deep in our sole
Able to achieve more than we ever could believe
Smart enough to know what we don’t know
Knowing more than we think we do
Holding tight to a moment of greatness achieved so long ago
Living today for a grander tomorrow
Caught in a moment that seems never ending
Next thing you know, Today hits you in the face
All that we can hang onto. All that we can own
Is right here and right now
Face it courageously
Confidently grab hold
Regain your greatness
Own the moment
Enjoy Your Ride

I save ALL of the post announcements from LTB when My life is crazy because I dont want to miss any of it. I feel like I really have been a lame friend and supporter and that bugs me, but life is about priorities and you just do the very best you can. I love the poetry and love that I am starting to catch back up slowly on some LTB vibrations.
Thanks baby, I love your comments.
Great reflection and positive vibes Darryl. Remember, Bike Fast / Live Slow…. Ride On, buddy.
Thanks. Yes, always Bike Fast and Live Slow. Enjoy Your Ride.