Peace on Earth. Ride Your Bike.
For as long as history can remember, people have been making Christmas wishes. Speaking words of wisdom and prayers for Peace On Earth. Something we all want. Something so amazing that it’s hard to even imagine.
Another year goes by. John Lennon sings out….”So this is Christmas, and what have you done?” Sounds of hope for Peace hanging heavy in the air. Warm thoughts fill our minds as the Christmas Spirit fills the Universe.
All year long we personally struggle to create peace within our own homes and circle of influence. Finding ourselves in our own wars and conflicts. Sometimes so hard to keep our own Peace. It’s no wonder the world leaders cannot achieve it.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….with complete certainty and absolute seriousness. Many of the problems within our own personal world, and those of planet earth would be eliminated if everyone rode a bike.
May you find Peace in your home this Christmas. May you have Goodwill to your Family. May the Christmas Spirit stay with you all year. Ride Your Bike.
Six simple and great words in two perfect sentences. Thanks Y’all.