In a lot of my recent posts, I seem to be touching on the fact that when I’m out on my bike it’s the only break my mind gets during the day. I’ll be running off in a thousand different directions and trying to juggle about 87 things all at the same time, so my mind never gets a breather. Even as I’m getting my jersey on, pumping up my tires, and loading up my water bottles, my mind still seems to be racing with this thing or that.
But the second I clip in and start pumping my legs, it all changes. Now I’d like to say that I leave it all sitting on my doorstep as I ride off….this is mostly true. But even when I’m out riding, I pretty much always seem to have a few thoughts about the projects of my day. However, there is one difference. When I’m on the bike, all these thoughts seem to be in slow motion. It’s like I get a chance to organize, separate, and take a clearer look at what needs to be done and how it is going to happen. The bike allows for a different perspective on things…an improved perspective.
So many times I’ll be working on something or trying to process a situation at home or in the office, but when I think about these same things while out on the bike… all seems so clear and simple. This is just another of the reasons why I love cycling so much. A better environment, and a much better perspective.
I’m sure you’ve all seen the Fed Ex logo…..but did you know about the arrow that is found within the logo? I know I didn’t before passing a Fed Ex truck one day while out on a ride. I had seen it a million times before, but out there on my bike with a clear head….the different perspective allowed me to see that arrow that now appears so clearly.
If you’ve never seen the arrow, take a look at the white space between the E and x. It’s all about perspective, baby…..and I love the one I get while I’m Loving the Bike.

Darryl, you bring up a great set of points. Things are clearer and simpler to solve when we exercise. Many times we assume we’re too busy to exercise, but in reality, if we do exercise, we tackle the challenges much more effectively! And that’s Double Good! Thanks for bringing these thoughts to light!
Never noticed it before, now I can’t stop seeing it! What’s that all about then?
It’s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it? Thanks Darryl, great post.
I thought everybody knew about the arrow. 😉
I know what you mean. Sometimes it takes a ride to clear something up and I’ve gotten some great blog ideas while riding.
OMG, it’s so obvious…now that you told us, ahah!
Funny because we posted our latest at about the same time today and I think although they are different, they are also very similar…
Thanks Darryl for that arrow; perspective, aaah!
Funny, I had never noticed the arrow before either! I do love the ability that cycling gives me to clear my head — much more so than doing a stationary cardio machine at the gym.
I had seen that before but only after it was pointed out to me. When I’m riding I find that I relax but my mind doesn’t wander too much. I tend to concentrate on what I’m doing.
Never noticed it before! Sure fits one of the world’s most dynamic brands…dynamic literally.