Pick Up and Delivery by Bicycle
I might not have mentioned it enough times in the past, but I’m the proud owner of a bicycle café in the Caribbean called Mocha Spoke. I also commute to work by bike 99% of the time….so my work life is pretty much as bikey as possible.
During the day we’re quite often in need of supplies and ingredients for all the yummy goodness that we pump out of the café, so how do we make a grocery run? By bicycle, of course. Well, not all the time….but pretty much every time it’s me doing the pick up.
If you’re a bicycle commuter, you’ll totally understand how great it feels when you’re able to use the bike to take care of your day to day business. It’s such a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Whether I’m hauling a backpack full of stuff, or just picking up a few items…..it feels so great to be doing it by bike.
We’d really like to start making deliveries by bicycle as well, but seeing as most of our products are best when freshly made….we’re not totally sure how to do this and keep the high quality experience. But it may be something we do in the future.
As a strange side note, let me tell you how our staff takes a washroom break. We don’t currently have a bathroom at our café, and it really hasn’t been an issue for our customers. But our staff is often in need of a washroom break during their shift, and always take one of our rental bikes over to the nearby bathroom. It’s very cool to see them using the bike because so far none of our staff are generally bicycle riders in their day to day life. So we’re forcing them to be bike people.
Your Turn
Do you use the bike for personal or work delivery runs? How does it feel? Tell us your stories.

I love this pic too. I travel to India a lot for my work and I see some AMAZING things being done with a bicycle. The bike is some of those people’s entire business. Its very cool.
If I was your employee I might be susceptible to disappearing for 2 hours and showing up extremely dirty afterward.
If your current dudes are any different then you have found some great guys!!
Btw, congrats on recovering the last bikes!!
And we would know you were out rescuing lost puppies and kittens from the mud. Yeah, thanks for your message and for being such a hard rocking awesome dude.
I love this photo. I also want to tell you that I’m so proud that you bike to work everyday…especially since the car is just sitting at our house, and it would be easy for you to find an excuse to take it. I proud that you choose to bike.
You. are. awesome.
I guess I’m pretty disciplined in this way. Even on the mornings when it’s pouring rain I’d rather take my bike than the Escudo.
You. Are. Awesome. As. Well.