Putting the Fun Back in Life
We were driving into town yesterday morning. As we approached, the Caribbean morning hustle and bustle had already started. The truck ahead of us slowed to a stop so that they could make conversation with the woman standing on the sidewalk. As we sat there waiting patiently, we witnessed the woman talking and laughing to the people in the truck. Not just chuckling, but full out, hardcore laughing. A familiar thought hit me as I saw all this happening. It was then that I asked my Wife, “How come all of life can’t be like this exact moment?” What I meant by that was how come we can’t go through our days just laughing and joking with everyone around us?
You know, it is us who created this culture…this world around us. And it is ultimately up to us to determine how we live in this world. If we have so much control, how come we aren’t all living in a world where we get to laugh and act goofy all day long? It’s almost as if we created a world that we aren’t happy with and are forced to deal with it.
This is probably another one of those things that seems so clear in my head, but when I go off and explain it, it doesn’t really make all the much sense. But what I’m trying to say is that I would really love it if we could create a world where we still get things done….still have business and commerce and all that…..but the interaction of it all is based on friendliness, laughter, and fun. I really don’t see why the two concepts cannot go together.
There are a few companies out there who have taken this path and found success….showing that it really can be done. Westjet and Southwest Airlines are just two examples of companies who have taken the stress and seriousness out of everything and replaced it with fun.
I know I am a whole lot more effective when I am in this type of environment….how about you? Make it Happen.

Great post Darryl. On the surface your message sounds so simple and right and yet… why is it so hard? Life gets in the way, I guess,and some us are better at not letting that happen than others. My last job change was completely about the move towards happiness. I REALLy enjoy what I am doing for work right now and it has had an amazing impact on my outlook on everything else.
Being with the right person is pretty huge too.
This is one of those subject that you could spend hours talking about and just scratch the surface. But it is so very important to keep pushing it back to the front of the line of what you think about about work on and strive for.
Ok I am babbleing on and on. Great post.
Thanks Eric. You can babble over here anytime….your comments are always full of wisdom and positivity.
I am convinced the world would be more fun if more people rode bicycles and there is a TON more I could say, but I would rather let this 13 year old have the stage here (I know it’s a tad long at just over 11 minutes, but you won’t regret that investment at all) because it’s thinking and taking actions like this kid is doing that will create the world Darryl describes.
I am convinced, if more people would ride bicycles it would make for a much friendlier, happier and FUN world. Crazy things like smiling and waiving at strangers, feeling good about yourself, spontaneous stops to swing and a new zest for life. What if we created a world where getting things done meant we all worked to make each other happy and have fun. Check this video out, it’s a bit long (11:13) but totally worth the time, this kid is creating an amazing world. http://youtu.be/h11u3vtcpaY
Hey Joel, Logan is awesome. I first saw this video about a year ago and set out to contact him. I made arrangements with his parents for my kids to do a video chat with him and his brother. We all had a great talk and am now even more impressed with Logan.
Most everywhere I drive just a vehicle stopping in front of you to talk to someone on the sidewalk would send most drivers into an instant rage. Its been my observation that most people today view the rest of traffic and the general public as speed bumps on their road of life.
I like Kent’s idea, and do believe that over time we can change public attitude but it takes a lot of persistence for it to catch on and spread.
-Where is that picture taken?
Hey Daniel, thanks for your comment. The picture was taken here in Grenada…it is one of the main streets of our capital town, St. George’s.
Unfortunately you are right about a lot of things being speed bumps on people’s roads……it’s people like you who will help change that.
Great post! From my narrow perspective, it’s probably too hard to make all of life fun and enjoyable. But… what about doing 1 thing today that will make life more fun and enjoyable for someone in my life?? Or someone I meet today?? I think I can do that! And maybe again tomorrow?
Kind of reminds me of your 31 days of doing good… I didn’t do it at the first of the year… maybe I’ll start today
You’re right, Kent…..the same sort of thing can be done for this as we’re doing with the Do Good Challenge. You have a great attitude. Thanks for your comments.