When you live on the tropical Caribbean island of Grenada, why would you ever want to ride inside on a trainer? Well, if you’re me….you don’t.
I’ve written many times before how I just can’t get into riding my bike indoors on a trainer. I guess that’s a major reason why I’ve done what I can to put myself in situations where it’s not necessary. Don’t get me wrong…..they are a great training tool and without a trainer or rollers, many people around the world would never be able to ride a bike during certain months of the year.
When we lived in Austin, I had a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine and over the couple years we were there I think I used it about 10 times. If it wasn’t icicle cold or dumping with rain, then I was outside. It had to be pretty extreme before I would bite the bullet and jump on the trainer.
Before we moved to Grenada, I sold the trainer along with most of the things we owned. It definitely wasn’t something I wanted to use over here. But a few weeks ago, I was contacted by the guys at CycleTEK to see if I’d be cool with them sending me their newly released Momentum Indoor Cycling Trainer. Even with what I just said about my thoughts on trainers, I agreed to their offer….and I’ll explain why.
There’s actually a couple reasons. First of all, there might be a few days where I’m not able to get out riding in the daylight. I don’t expect this to happen too often, but if it does…I’ll have a backup plan. There are plenty of people here in Grenada who want to ride a bike for exercise, but just aren’t ready to tackle the conditions found on our roads. This is going to be so perfect for that.
Okay, so the idea of riding the CycleTEK (or any trainer) on a regular basis is not for me….but let me tell you what I think about the Momentum Indoor Trainer in case you’re in the market for one. I only really have the Road Machine to compare it to, so here’s my thoughts.
I imagine most good quality trainers to be easy to set up, and the CycleTEK was about the same as what it was like to set up the Road Machine. I didn’t see anything major that stood out to make the Momentum unique, but they tell me they have the largest and heaviest flywheel on the market with it weighing in at 7 pounds and measuring 60mm.
The first thing I noticed when jumping on for a spin was how quiet it was. When I bought the Road Machine I was expecting it to be super quiet, but it turned out to be a lot louder than I imagined. The CycleTEK is very quiet….and smooth. Okay, so I’m sitting here thinking about what else I can say….and not coming up with anything. Like I said, I’m not at all passionate about riding a trainer so all I can really say is that this one from CycleTEK seems to be a good choice.
The Momentum Trainer from CycleTEK retails for around US$379.00 (although I did find it available on sale at Amazon for $246.99) and you can find out more about it on their product page. If the price fits your budget, and you can find a good deal….I say go for it. The CycleTEK looks to be a quality product for anyone looking to do some indoor training in the pain cave.