Riding Outside the Box
I’ve talked many times about thinking outside the box and doing things differently, but what is this idea of Riding Outside the Box all about?
I don’t know about you, but I often get caught up riding the same sort of intensity and mileage almost every week. Not like that’s a bad thing as I’m quite happy with the output I’m racking up each week. But I find it so easy to be in this routine without really shaking things up.
Last week I set out to nearly double the amount of miles I ride in a typical week….not an easy thing to do in Grenada. By the time the week was over and I had reached my goal, I felt incredible.
Breaking out of my riding routine helped in so many ways. It made me feel more powerful. It expanded my mind and what it feels is possible. It totally filled my soul’s desire for distances that used to be normal.
So I encourage you all to occasionally ride outside the box. Spend a week doing something totally different from what you’re used to. Ride without your computer and any idea of how far or fast you’re going. Ride a bunch of more miles than usual. Ride alone. Ride in a group. Ride a new route. It’s your call….just shake things up.
Go ahead, #MakeitHappen. Ride Outside the Box.